The Monday Edition - Nov 22, 2021
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Comics, Kickstarter, parenting, things we saw today

Things We Saw Today: As the Childless Cool Aunt That I Am, the Toddlerhood Kickstarter Is Exactly How I Envisioned the Terrible Twos


As someone who hasn't spent a lot of time with toddlers, this series of comic strips by George Gant perfectly depicts how I imagine it.

The post Things We Saw Today: As the Childless Cool Aunt That I Am, the Toddlerhood Kickstarter Is Exactly How I Envisioned the Terrible Twos first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Books, Mary Shelley, science fiction, time travel

Twitter Reminds NYT Women Exist After H.G. Wells Credited With Creating Sci-Fi

NYT Times Books logo over a woman's face as Billy Eichner (covered by a Twitter logo) asks her to name a woman. Behind his is a ripped page with Mary Shelley peeking through and smiling. Image inspired by one of the embedded tweets. (Image: NYT Books, Twitter, Comedy Central, and Alyssa Shotwell.)

We know this because he fails to mention it meaning he is just contributing to a longstanding tradition of writing women out of history, even wealthy, white women. That's what we'll be unpacking a bit and looking at the reactions because that is the most egregious example of an error, once again at the expense of women.

The post Twitter Reminds NYT Women Exist After H.G. Wells Credited With Creating Sci-Fi first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Movies, Peter Parker, Spider-Man: No Way Home, Tom Holland

New Spider-Man: No Way Home TV Spot Focuses on Sacrifice, Like He Needs More of That

Spider-Man standing in the street in No Way Home

Spider-Man: No Way Home comes out this December and as long as someone doesn't decide to leak the entire movie, we'll get to see what is next for Peter, his sacrifices, and the multiverse.

The post New Spider-Man: No Way Home TV Spot Focuses on Sacrifice, Like He Needs More of That first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Movies, Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl

Eddie Redmayne on Playing Transgender Role in The Danish Girl: “I Wouldn’t Take It on Now”


It is great that Redmayne has not stepped away from this conversation because there is a reason we keep having it. There are more chairs at the table, but not enough by far.

The post Eddie Redmayne on Playing Transgender Role in The Danish Girl: “I Wouldn’t Take It on Now” first appeared on The Mary Sue.
AMP Featured, Movies, box office, ghostbusters: afterlife, Ghostbusters: Answer the Call

Let’s Unpack the Sexist Box Office Narrative Around Ghostbusters: Afterlife

Mckenna Grace in 'Ghostbusters: Afterlife'

There IS something strange in the neighborhood, and surprise surprise, it's sexism.

The post Let’s Unpack the Sexist Box Office Narrative Around Ghostbusters: Afterlife first appeared on The Mary Sue.
TV, Alien (franchise), Blade Runner, Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott Is Developing Blade Runner and Alien TV Series Because Nothing Ever Dies

Ridley Scott

A series about a bloodthirsty corporation that doesn't value the safety of their employees? Still topical after all these years.

The post Ridley Scott Is Developing Blade Runner and Alien TV Series Because Nothing Ever Dies first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Books, history, National Book Awards, queer representation

Meet the Recently Announced 2021 National Book Award Winners & Runners-Up

Screencap from National Book Award Livestream 2021.

Hosted by writer and 1/2 of Two Dope Queens, Phoebe Robinson, last week the National Book Awards held their 72nd award ceremony. In general writing (not specific to a genre) The National Book Award, The Booker Prize and a Nobel Prize in Literature are among the most prestigious of awards.

The post Meet the Recently Announced 2021 National Book Award Winners & Runners-Up first appeared on The Mary Sue.
TV, The Great (Hulu)

Huzzah! The Great Season Two Continues Its Raunchy Romp Through Russian History

Elle Fanning as Catherine the great trying to make Russia great again

As the season begins Team Catherine is still in conflict with Team Peter. Peter is still in a mixture of lust/love with Catherine, plus excited about the promise of a son and heir, who is already known as Paul. While we already have the predetermined knowledge that Catherine will win, half the fun is seeing how chaotic Peter is.

The post Huzzah! The Great Season Two Continues Its Raunchy Romp Through Russian History first appeared on The Mary Sue.
News, Black Friday, retailers, Target

Target Won’t Be Open for Thanksgiving From Here on Out and I Hope Other Retailers Do the Same

Black Friday Target

Target has announced that they won't be open for Thanksgiving this year, nor will they be open on the holiday from here on out.

The post Target Won’t Be Open for Thanksgiving From Here on Out and I Hope Other Retailers Do the Same first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Gaming, Activision Blizzard, Bobby Kotick, sexual harassment

Bobby Kotick, Failing to See That He’s Part of the Problem, Says He’ll Consider Leaving Activision Blizzard if He Can’t Fix Things Quickly

Activision Blizzard Bobby Kotick

Bobby Kotick will consider leaving Activision Blizzard if he can’t quickly fix the culture problems at the company, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The post Bobby Kotick, Failing to See That He’s Part of the Problem, Says He’ll Consider Leaving Activision Blizzard if He Can’t Fix Things Quickly first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Big on the Internet, Frankenstein, kyle rittenhouse, tws

Things We Saw Today: Universal’s Frankenstein Turns 90

Happy Birthday Frank! Or should I say, Frank's monster! The OG Universal Studios monster film, Frankenstein, celebrates its 90th birthday today. Released in 1931, the movie created the definitive portrayal of Mary Shelley's iconic man-made monster.

The post Things We Saw Today: Universal’s Frankenstein Turns 90 first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Big on the Internet, COVID-19, Mjölnir, Thor

New Covid Antiviral Drug Named After Thor’s Mighty Hammer

Emory researchers named the drug “molnupiravir” after Mjölnir - Thor’s mighty hammer! It was found to be so effective at smashing the virus that an independent committee asked them to stop the Phase III trial early because they considered it unethical to continue giving the control participants placebos.

The post New Covid Antiviral Drug Named After Thor’s Mighty Hammer first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Big on the Internet, dog head man, NBC, snl

SNL’s Dog-Head Man is Now Our God

We met him briefly three years ago in a similar lab sketch helmed by guest host Sam Rockwell. But then he was merely  a "dog-head guy" for he had not achieved his final form. Only now, with military intervention and Simu Liu's impeccable southern accent, has Dog-Head Man finally emerged as the pure and perfect being he was always meant to be.

The post SNL’s Dog-Head Man is Now Our God first appeared on The Mary Sue.
TV, Chloë Grace Moretz, things we saw today

Things We Saw Today: Chloë Grace Moretz Fights the Robot Apocalypse in Mother/Android Trailer

Closeup on Chloë Grace Moretz's face in the Mother/Android trailer.

Despite how much we all need a break right now, the last few years' run of dystopian fiction hasn't seemed to slow down much lately, and we've all seen our fair share of zombies at this point. That's not to say that a robot apocalypse hasn't been done before, but something about the trailer for Mother/Android, starring Chloë Grace Moretz, feels a little bit like a blend of the two, to me.

The post Things We Saw Today: Chloë Grace Moretz Fights the Robot Apocalypse in Mother/Android Trailer first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Movies, Suicide Squad

Jared Leto on a Suicide Squad “Ayer Cut”: “Why Not?”

Jared Leto as the Joker

After Zack Snyder's Justice League, there's a push for similar treatment of David Ayer's Suicide Squad film with an "Ayer Cut," and the movie's Joker himself, Jared Leto, has now joined in.

The post Jared Leto on a Suicide Squad “Ayer Cut”: “Why Not?” first appeared on The Mary Sue.
News, build back better, Nancy Pelosi, Republicans

Nancy Pelosi Would Like Reporters To Stop Letting Republicans Shape Their Questions

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi speaks and holds up her hand during a news conference

Nancy Pelosi shut down a reporter's question for perpetuating misleading or outright false narratives that have been shaped by Republicans.

The post Nancy Pelosi Would Like Reporters To Stop Letting Republicans Shape Their Questions first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Big on the Internet, contributors, YOU

The Development of You’s Love Quinn and Why We Want to See Women Be Bad

You trailer still with Joe, Love, and their son standing together.

Love Quinn outshines and challenges Joe in ways that one could only dream about in the third season of the series.

The post The Development of You’s Love Quinn and Why We Want to See Women Be Bad first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Big on the Internet, Gina Carano, Hunter Biden

Things We Saw Today: Gina Carano Joins Hunter Biden Biopic LOL

gina carano

In more news of "movies I will never f**king watch", there's going to be a Hunter Biden biopic starring Laurence Fox (who loves to misgender people) and Gina Carano (who famously hates pronouns) called My Son Hunter.

The post Things We Saw Today: Gina Carano Joins Hunter Biden Biopic LOL first appeared on The Mary Sue.
AMP Featured, News, kyle rittenhouse, racism

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Sham of a Trial Ends With Not Guilty Verdict

Kyle Rittenhouse looks into the camera and smirks while walking into the courtroom behind a guard.

Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old man who killed two protesters and shot a third during protests last summer, has been found not guilty on all counts.

The post Kyle Rittenhouse’s Sham of a Trial Ends With Not Guilty Verdict first appeared on The Mary Sue.
Movies, Black Widow, Kevin Feige, Scarlett Johansson

Marvel Head Kevin Feige Says Scarlett Johansson Is Working on a Top Secret Marvel Project

Natasha romanoff in black widow

Whatever the case is, we were right to think that we hadn't seen the last of Scarlett Johansson in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

The post Marvel Head Kevin Feige Says Scarlett Johansson Is Working on a Top Secret Marvel Project first appeared on The Mary Sue.
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