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Special Saturday Edition
June 13, 2020
The proposed legislation does little to reform the federal law enforcement agencies that have flooded the capital in recent weeks.
By Matt Ford
The Pernicious Influence of Big Oil on America’s UniversitiesStanford’s divestment debate shows how effective fossil fuel companies have been at colonizing academia.
By Benjamin Franta
The Black Wage Gap MattersThe grim state of racial economic inequality should sicken our consciences.
By Timothy Noah
The Preachers of the Austerity Gospel Are BackThough we’re in the midst of an unprecedented economic crisis, calls for budget-tightening have reliably restarted.
By J.C. Pan
The Down Days Is an Eerily Prescient Pandemic NovelWhen Ilze Hugo started writing about an outbreak, she thought she was imagining a far-fetched dystopia.
By Jennifer Wilson
Small Acts of Care in a Failed StateWhat community solidarity in the wake of police violence and a devastated economy say about government malice
By J.C. Pan
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