TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 20, 2017

A Million People Convicted of Marijuana-Related Crimes in California Could Soon See Their Records Wiped Clean

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Prop 64 could provide huge benefits to communities disproportionately targeted for arrest. READ MORE»

The GOP Tax Bill Is About to Decimate What's Left of the Middle Class

By Steven Pressman, The Conversation

America's plutocrats just got a trillion-dollar Christmas gift. READ MORE»

After the Washington Amtrak Crash, Why On Earth Does Trump Want to Cut Transportation Spending?

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Shame on Donald Trump for using the tragedy to his own political advantage. READ MORE»

Alabama Townspeople Revolt After Local Officials Conspire to Rip Them Off

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

The people of Castleberry refuse to accept civil asset forfeiture lying down. READ MORE»

If You Think Fox News Is in the Tank for Trump, Wait Until You See OAN

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

The far-right "news" network could give Rupert Murdoch a run for his money. READ MORE»

This Political Scientist Just About Nailed His Prediction for Trump's Presidency

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Trump lacks the legitimacy that other dictators have historically had. READ MORE»

Watch: Activists and Artists Fight CDC's 'Banned Words' By Projecting Them Onto Trump's Own Hotel

By Sarah McBride, Human Rights Campaign

The banned words: "transgender," "fetus," "vulnerable," "entitlement," "diversity," "evidence-based," "science-based.” READ MORE»

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