Plus, Michael Bennet's shaky Senate reelection bid, and more…
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October 10 2022


The GOP’s Cult of Election Deniers Is a Growing Threat to the Nation
This year, more than half of GOP candidates are Big Lie cultists. Repeat: more than half. It’s getting harder to see how democracy can survive this.
by Michael Tomasky
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Special offer: Midterm elections package. 3 months for $10.
As if dodgy oligarchs and shifty tax cheats didn’t have enough help hiding their ill-gotten gains, your state government may have stepped up to join the con.
by Jason Linkins
In a year full of climate disasters wrecking homes and lives, global warming ought to be treated like the kitchen-table issue it is.
by Kate Aronoff
The expanded child tax credit lifted millions of kids out of poverty, but Congress failed to extend it. Now the Colorado senator is facing the difficulty of running on an expired policy.
by Grace Segers


If the Mar-a-Lago affair has taught us anything, it’s that as long as Trump-appointed judges exist, all bets are off.
by Matt Ford
Tough talk about applying antitrust law against the oil cartel means nothing unless we follow through, and the time to do that isn’t now.
by Timothy Noah
Workers in Maine, Michigan, and Washington, D.C., are campaigning to end the disparities between those who earn tips and other jobs.
by Bryce Covert


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