Jul 15, 2020
By Ben Shapiro

This is the nature of the game: Mirror the perspectives of de facto New York Times editor Nikole Hannah-Jones and her woke colleagues, or find yourself ostracized, publicly shamed, and pressured to leave the newspaper.
By Zack Smith

This isn’t Soviet Russia or communist China. Citizens in a free society are allowed to discuss, debate, and disagree on a broad array of issues.
By Jonathan Butcher

We should be encouraged that some local educators aren’t waiting for Washington to decide for them, and, likewise, that parents aren’t waiting on schools.
By Thomas Catenacci

The author refers to a July 4 video arguing that “The Star-Spangled Banner” is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon.”
By Rachel del Guidice

“Back in the 1960s ... they wanted to bring about a new world, a new America, in which there would be no more capitalism and in which there would be socialism,” says The Heritage Foundation’s Lee Edwards, a historian.

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