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July 27, 2020
Teachers, bus drivers, health aides, and other school workers are organizing against a culture that is trying to feed them into the jaws of the pandemic.
By Susie Armitage
For a Glimpse of the Republican Party After Trump, Look to California

The birthplace of the conservative movement is now no Golden State for the GOP.

By Timothy Noah
It Was Insane to Restart Sports in America

The Miami Marlins are dealing with a Covid outbreak and the NBA is flirting with disaster in its "bubble." What did team owners think would happen?

By Nick Martin
The Lincoln Project Doesn’t Matter

This band of anti-Trump conservatives may be viral hitmakers for the moment, but they have nothing to offer America’s future.

By Osita Nwanevu
Even Milton Friedman Would Oppose Trump’s Latest Federal Reserve Appointment

If the president gets his way, Judy Shelton will bring crackpot goldbuggery back to the central bank.

By Bruce Bartlett
Fossil Fuels’ United Front Is Crumbling

State politics show the coal industry is fighting a losing battle against its former allies.

By Kate Aronoff
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