The political gender gap—the difference in the percentage of women and the percentage of men voting for a given candidate—has appeared in every U.S. election since 1980. But the gender gap among young people also appears in measures other than politics. Elaine Kamarck and Jordan Muchnick share recent polling and data that show troubling gender divides related to social isolation, feminism, and other issues.
“If the aim is to build a fairer, equitable future where all feel they have a role and are respected, the polling of Gen Z appears to show we are moving in the opposite direction.”
– Elaine Kamarck and Jordan Muchnick
More research and commentary
Israel’s strategic choice. Though it seems extremely late, adopting a sound strategy even now can not only ease some of the terrible aspects of the current war in Gaza but also advance Israel’s own original operational goals, writes Natan Sachs.
Start-of-year price resets and US disinflation. The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted normal seasonality in lots of data, and this may especially be true of start-of-year price resets in U.S. inflation. Robin Brooks examines “residual” seasonality in U.S. inflation data, which may have made inflation look worse than it really was in early 2023 and 2024.
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