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General election 2024
PM takes gamble by calling July election
Rishi Sunak  
PM takes gamble by calling July election
PM announces date with Tories trailing Labour by 20 points in polls, saying it is ‘the moment for Britain to choose its future’
Key battlegrounds  
Economy, health, migration and more
Sunak has taken an astonishing gamble in going for a general election
Tory MPs didn’t expect a July general election – and now they are rightly furious
Rishi Sunak’s election call means he thought the worst was yet to come

Pippa Crerar

UK political editor

Pippa Crerar

The UK is gearing up for a general election on 4 July and with it the possibility, for the first time in many years, of major political change.

Our team, based at Westminster but covering politics right across the UK, will bring you all the breaking news, big scoops, expert analysis and inside track on the parties during this crucial election period.

Our journalism plays a critical role in holding power to account. We have, between us, exposed the Partygate scandal that led to the fall of Boris Johnson, uncovered the truth about VIP-lane PPE contracts during the Covid pandemic, revealed Dominic Cummings' Barnard Castle trip, challenged Dominic Raab​'s poor treatment of staff, got our hands on budget leaks​, shone a light on Rishi Sunak's finances​ and exposed top Tory donor Frank Hester's racist remarks. ​

As the campaign gears up, we will also turn our focus on to the plans of Labour and the other opposition parties as they set out their own pitches for power. We can only ​d​o all this with your support. If you can, please consider supporting us on a monthly basis from £4. It takes less than a minute to set up, and with your help we will continue to hold power to account – whoever ends up in No 10.

National Audit Office to investigate growing scandal
Carer’s allowance  
National Audit Office to investigate growing scandal
Government watchdog says action prompted by DWP’s lack of progress in tackling overpayments problems
Power bills  
Almost a third of household smart meters not working properly, says Citizens Advice
China announces ‘punishment’ drills after inauguration of new president
Michael Richards  
Seinfeld star ‘not looking for a comeback’ 20 years after N-word outburst
Stage collapses at campaign rally leaving four dead and others trapped and injured
In focus
France flies nuclear-capable missile as Russia holds drills
Ukraine war briefing  
France flies nuclear-capable missile as Russia holds drills
China sending Russia lethal aid, says British defence secretary; Zelenskiy stresses need for defence against glide bombs. What we know on day 820
Covid inquiry  
The questions cabinet secretary Simon Case will be asked
‘Drowning Street’  
What the papers say as Rishi Sunak announces election
Truth about Asian hornets  
How terrified should humans and honeybees actually be?
How terrified should humans and honeybees actually be?
The long read  
‘Although she was dead, I felt as if she was my friend’: what it’s like to perform the last rites for an organ donor
Motel Destino review  
Terrifically acted Brazilian erotic noir thriller
Campaigners ‘thrilled’ as St Albans aims to be smartphone-free for under-14s
Ultra-processed foods  
I went a week without. Here’s what I learned
A humiliating election speech, with little to offer. Sunak’s USP was competence – what of that now?
A humiliating election speech, with little to offer. Sunak’s USP was competence – what of that now?
Rev Vennells wept but couldn’t remember much about sending innocent subpostmasters to jail. All so long ago
Ella Baron on Paula Vennells’ appearance at the Post Office Horizon IT inquiry
Atalanta 3-0 Leverkusen  
Italians win Europa League as Lookman hat-trick ends 51-match unbeaten run
Italians win Europa League as Lookman hat-trick ends 51-match unbeaten run
Bayern Munich close to deal for Kompany to take over as manager
Suitors ready to fight for humble but world-class McKenna
Rishi Sunak’s big election gamble
Today in Focus  
Rishi Sunak’s big election gamble
The prime minister has ended months of speculation by calling an election for 4 July. But why so soon? Jonathan Freedland reports
Climate crisis
Young people sue state over fossil fuel project they claim violates their rights
Young people sue state over fossil fuel project they claim violates their rights
Climate crisis  
‘Never-ending’ UK rain made 10 times more likely – study
UK economy  
Inflation falls by less than expected to 2.3%, reducing chance of June rate cut
Inflation falls by less than expected to 2.3%, reducing chance of June rate cut
Things can only get better?  
For Sunak and the UK economy, this might be as good as it gets
In pictures
Readers' best photographs  
White heat and the scent of summer
White heat and the scent of summer
Roadside retro  
Steve Fitch’s American motel signs
Steve Fitch’s American motel signs
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