NWC Update
Network Computing
September 17, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Impact of AI on The Ethernet Switch Market
Enterprises investing in new infrastructure to support AI will have to choose which technology is best for their particular needs. InfiniBand and Ethernet will likely continue to coexist for the foreseeable future. However, it’s highly likely that Ethernet will remain dominant in most network environments.

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First Vendors Achieve MEF SD-WAN Certification
By David Curry, Technology Writer
The MEF SD-WAN certification is the first step in the process to SASE certification. Certification comprises three modules: SD-WAN, Security Service Edge (SSE), and Zero Trust.
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White House Road Map Provides Guidance on BGP Internet Routing Security
By Brian T. Horowitz, Contributing Reporter
A new federal road map on internet routing addresses a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) vulnerability and provides tips on how to improve internet routing security.
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How Dartmouth College Leveraged AI To Modernize Its Network in One Weekend
By Zeus Kerravala, Founder and Principal Analyst with ZK Research
Integrating the new APs into Dartmouth’s existing network infrastructure was no small feat. Mist’s cloud-based architecture and AI-driven insights made this easier.
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  • Integrating Virtual Prototyping into Diverse PLM Landscapes

    As high-tech companies evolve, they often find themselves managing a complex array of internal systems, each serving a unique purpose in their product development cycle. In this engaging panel discussion, industry experts and thought leaders will delve into the intricacies ...

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Keeping Data Centers Cool as Heat Rises Inside and Out
As air-cooled systems give up ground to liquid-cooled approaches, enterprises and operators evaluate their data center cooling options. Read More
What Is Cloud Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)?
Cloud VDI is gaining in popularity because companies see the potential for cost savings in hardware, networks, and software, as well as in the IT staff hours needed to support desktops. Additionally, a cloud-based VDI gives companies more flexibility in scaling resources upward or downward. Read More
Inside the Mind of a Hacker: How Scams Are Carried Out
Enterprises should complement cybersecurity measures like next-generation firewalls, multi-factor authentication, penetration testing, and vulnerability assessments with a cybersecurity-focused culture and an investment in employee security training. Read More
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