What your support makes possible

Free Press Action


Today, I’m asking you to make your very first gift to Free Press Action of $5 or any amount by midnight tomorrow.

Here’s why:

$5 will fuel our work to hold tech platforms like Google, Meta, TikTok and Twitter accountable for keeping users safe from disinformation and hate in this critical election year.

$5 will let us fight back against corporations and the government when they exploit media and technology to violate our privacy.

$5 will help us defend the restored Net Neutrality rules and the open internet we deserve.

$5 will make it possible for us to continue defending public media.

$5 helps keep Free Press Action independent: We don't take a cent from business, government or political parties.

Can we count on you? Please donate $5 by our end-of-month fundraising deadline at midnight tomorrow night. We’re only 57 donations away from meeting our goal.

Thank you, as always, for everything you do,

Brenda and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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