Plus, whether Joe Biden is serious about his big presidential promises, and more...
September 9, 2020
The Incredibly Obvious Way to Win Elections and Weather the Recession

Cancel the rent. Tax the rich. Health care for all. People tend to like simple policy that does what it says it will.

By J.C. Pan


The Two Joe Bidens One talks of an “FDR-size presidency,” the other works to calm Wall Street nerves. Which one will create the post-pandemic future?By Libby Watson
Health Care in America Is Exactly Like a “New Dress Shirt” Thom Tillis’s staffer was cruel but correct in his conversation with a cancer survivor.By Nick Martin
Trump’s Fire Sale of Public Lands for Oil and Gas Drillers The Bureau of Land Management is rushing to auction off sites ahead of a potential Biden presidency.By Kate Aronoff


The Instant Nostalgia of the Televised CampaignOn watching a presidential election through the grainy medium of TV
By Jacob Bacharach
Hari Kunzru’s Reckoning With the Far Right His novel “Red Pill” portrays a liberal’s crisis at the approach of the Trump era.By Rumaan Alam
Fox News Shares the Blame for Trump’s Deranged, Ruinous Presidency A new book details how the president and his state media partners cash in on their symbiotic relationship while driving the country toward disaster.By Bruce Bartlett


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