TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 20, 2017

Extreme Redistricting Sets the Stage for a Huge Republican Stranglehold Victory in the House in 2018

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

A virtual majority of House seats are already deemed to be highly safe for GOP. READ MORE»

The Allure of the Far Right Demands Immediate Action

By Adele M. Stan, The American Prospect

To dismiss the attraction of Bannon’s dystopian nationalism is folly. READ MORE»

5 Things Trump Has Lied About Owning

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

No one's pants have ever been more figuratively on fire.  READ MORE»

Racist, Violent, Unpunished: A White Hate Group's Campaign of Menace

By A.C. Thompson, Ali Winston, Darwin BondGraham, ProPublica

They train to fight. They post their beatings online. And so far, they have little reason to fear the authorities. READ MORE»

The Big Lie Pays Off: Trump Voters Believe Fake News (About the News Being Fake)

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Nearly half the public believes the media makes up stories about Trump—and the media is partly to blame for that. READ MORE»

Rachel Maddow Reveals the Sickening Reason Trump Hasn't Talked About the U.S. Soldiers Killed in Niger

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

He made a terrible decision and hopes to keep his critics distracted. READ MORE»

5 Reasons You Definitely Don't Want Amazon's New Headquarters in Your City

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Don't let the corporation's promises fool you. READ MORE»

What the 'Fearless Girl' Statue and Harvey Weinstein Have in Common

By Sarah Banet-Weiser, The Conversation

In both cases, their feminism was a front.  READ MORE»

Trump, Sessions Crime Policies 'Risk Igniting a New Drug War,' Eric Holder Charges

By Christal Hayes, Newsweek

The GOP appears to be marching resolutely backwards on commonsense drug reforms and other criminal justice policies.  READ MORE»

Grit Isn't Enough to Help Students Overcome Poverty—And It's Time To Stop Pretending That It Is

By Linda Nathan, Beacon Press

The myth that grit can conquer poverty lets a rigged economy and social order off the hook READ MORE»

A San Francisco Court Case Could Shift the Legal Status of Sex Work

By Sophie Linden, AlterNet

The decriminalization of consensual sex work as an inroad to worker's safety. READ MORE»

Wildlife Killing Contests Are Sick, Cruel and Have No Place in Civilized Society

By Wayne Pacelle, AlterNet

These gruesome events occur frequently across the United States. READ MORE»

Which Netflix Shows Are Being Binged the Fastest?

By Stuart Heritage, The Guardian

A rare release of stats from the streaming service reveals an obsession with nostalgia and a lack of interest in critical acclaim. READ MORE»

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