Thank you for helping us cross the finish line.
free press action fund


Yesterday was the first deadline to submit public comments to the FCC about its plan to destroy Net Neutrality. Millions of people spoke out, breaking every previous record for public participation at the agency!

Thank you for the 263,179 comments you sent to us in favor of Net Neutrality. We submitted these to the FCC along with our own comments: a 294-page document arguing that FCC Chairman Ajit Pai is making a mistake of “epic proportions” in his bid to undermine the Title II Net Neutrality rules.1

Getting so many public comments to the FCC before yesterday's deadline is a huge accomplishment! Thank you for helping us cross the finish line, and for telling the agency why the open internet matters to you.

We still have a long fight ahead of us if we are to save Net Neutrality from Trump, FCC Chairman Pai and greedy internet service providers. Could you pitch in $5 to help us get there?

Now that the initial comment deadline has passed, you might be wondering: What's next? Here's what we're planning at Free Press and Free Press Action Fund:

• We're beginning the process of crafting “reply comments” in response to Comcast, AT&T and other internet service providers that are arguing against Net Neutrality. The deadline to submit these comments is Aug. 16.
• The public can continue submitting comments about Net Neutrality until the Aug. 16 deadline — so feel free to provide another comment telling the FCC2 what you think about its plan to destroy the open internet.
• We need to continue to put pressure on Congress so lawmakers don't try to pass any legislation that would undermine Net Neutrality under Title II. Elected officials need to know that we're still watching.
• We've launched #TeamInternet, a volunteer-led effort to protect Net Neutrality from the powers that be.3

The road ahead is long, but we have the facts, the law, the internet and you on our side.

Thanks for all that you do—

Lucia, Dutch, Collette and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. We still have a lot of work to do if we're going to save the open internet. Could you help us out with a $5 donation? Thanks!

1. Free Press comments, FCC’s Net Neutrality proceeding, July 17, 2017:

2. Help Save Net Neutrality: Send a Comment to the FCC:

3. Sign Up to Join #TeamInternet:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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