‘An attack by the media’: Pewdiepie apologizes for Nazi jokes but says the press is out to get him; How to hide your true feelings from Facebook; This podcast is so boring it puts people to sleep. And that’s why insomniacs love it.; J.K. Rowling and Piers Morgan embody the extremes of online celebrity, in one fight; Erasing yourself from the Internet is nearly impossible. But here’s how you can try.;
The Intersect Weekly
At the corner of Internet and interesting
‘An attack by the media’: Pewdiepie apologizes for Nazi jokes but says the press is out to get him
Disney and YouTube cut some of their business ties with YouTube's biggest star earlier this week.
How to hide your true feelings from Facebook
A new Chrome extension intercepts your Facebook likes and chooses a random emotional reaction instead.
This podcast is so boring it puts people to sleep. And that’s why insomniacs love it.
The “Sleep with Me” podcast exists just to bore you to sleep, and it has thousands of listeners across the country.
J.K. Rowling and Piers Morgan embody the extremes of online celebrity, in one fight
Celebrities have flame wars, too.
Erasing yourself from the Internet is nearly impossible. But here’s how you can try.
For those of us who spend a lot of time on the Internet, there will be the occasional urge to simply disappear.
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