Healthy work environments improve care delivery and patient outcome.
Monday, March 11, 2019

Nurses are ready to reshape healthcare.

Very few would argue if you described the amount of change taking place in the healthcare industry as exhausting. Patricia Hickey, RN, however, sees it differently.

"I think this is an incredibly exciting time for all of us in nursing leadership," says the vice president and associate chief nursing officer, cardiovascular and critical care patient services at Boston Children’s Hospital and assistant professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School.

In this week's feature article, she shares her insights on how nurse leaders can move nursing forward during these turbulent times.


  • Find out which settings have the highest number of nurse practitioners.
  • Get leadership tips to share with your charge nurses.
  • Learn why hospitals must improve maternal healthcare.

The Interview: Boston Children's Hospital Associate CNO Patricia A. Hickey
Internationally renowned nurse researcher Patricia Hickey says healthy work environments improve care delivery and patient outcomes. Read on to learn more about her insights.
The Number of Nurse Practitioners is on the Rise
The number of nurse practitioners has grown exponentially in the last year. Find out which settings boast the most NPs.
Charge Nurses: Developing Frontline Leaders
For an organization to be successful, develop and treat frontline charge nurse leaders as a strategic part of intentional succession planning.
Reducing Alarm Fatigue: The Essential Guide for Hospitals
In a recent study of more than 1,200 clinicians, 87 percent say that alarms for non-actionable, irrelevant issues “occur frequently,” a jump of more than 10 percent in five years. Download the free report to uncover insights on the latest alarm surveillance technology as well as eight steps to a successful alarm management improvement process.
Superheroes to the Rescue: Battling the Challenges of Clinical Orientation and Retention
Hospitals are under constant pressure to reduce costs around clinical orientation and continuing education while also combating high turnover rates. The impact is staggering. Learn how you can become a Superhero to your organization by implementing key initiatives to battle the challenges.
As Hospitals Post Price Lists, Consumers Are Asked To Check Up On Them
CMS Administrator Seema Verma has enlisted the public in an unusual effort to monitor whether hospitals are complying with a new requirement that they post their "list" prices on line.
Outgoing HCA CEO Made 383-Times as Much as Median Employee
CEO R. Milton Johnson made $21.4 million in his last year at the Nashville-based company, compared to the median HCA employee salary of $55,977.

Must Reads

Nurses call on President Trump to rescind dangerous 'gag' rule on reproductive health care
San Francisco Chronicle
Nurses petition OGH to fix 'staffing crisis'
Olean Times Herald
NYC nurses threaten to strike over hospital overcrowding
New York Daily News
Good healthcare can be profitable
Hospitals blame moms when childbirth goes wrong. Secret data suggest it's not that simple.
USA Today

That's all for today. As always, send any tips, thoughts or advice my way at or Tweet @jen_NurseEditor.


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Content Specialist, Nursing