Life expectancy in the U.S. continues to fall after COVID-19; lower than in Cuba, Lebanon, and Czechia
Tuesday, March 28, 2023

News Headlines

The Joint Commission proposes standard to tackle hospital impact on climate change

Hospitals may soon have to measure energy use, fleet vehicle gas consumption, solid waste disposal, and other measures under proposed climate change standards by The Joint Commission.

Life expectancy in the U.S. continues to fall after COVID-19; lower than in Cuba, Lebanon, and Czechia

A new study has shown that life expectancy for the average American decreased to 76 years in 2021, down from 79 years in 2019. While almost every country saw a drop in life expectancy during 2020 and the outbreak of COVID-19, most developed countries rebounded by 2021—with the United States being the exception.

Addressing preventable deaths in maternal care

recent CDC report found that four out of five pregnancy-related deaths are preventable. 


Mac's Safety Space

Mac’s Safety Space: Fires and construction—doing a good job even better

While it is certainly the case that healthcare is doing a good job in managing the risks of fire during construction, there still appears to be an opportunity for improvement, small thought it may be.


Basic Subscribers

Worried about fake credentials? Review your primary source verification processes now

Recent news of more than 7,500 fraudulent nursing degrees being issued should serve as a shocking reminder for healthcare organizations to check their verification processes.

Fire safety: An insider’s view on life safety compliance

Fire safety expert discusses common problems and possible solutions in facilities compliance.

Staff safety: Hierarchy of controls

How do you remove harms and dangers from your medical environment? Safety officials have studied this question for years and found many innovative solutions to various issues. But when deciding what action to take in removing a threat, the best tool to use is the hierarchy of controls:


MEU Single Subscriber

Medication management resources

Though strides have been made, there are still cases of patients getting the wrong drug or the wrong dose of medication. The FDA receives over 100,000 reported cases of medication errors each year, and the CDC reports that approximately 1.3 million emergency department visits and 350,000 hospitalizations occur each year due to adverse drug events (ADE).



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