A Teen Residential Program and Community Counseling Center

March 2018 E-News

Begin, Believe, Become: A Houseparent's Take on Training for a Triathlon with Teen Resident

By: Jane Sherry, Houseparent

Begin. Believe. Become. Isn’t that how life goes?

One of the girl’s home residents, Leighanne, and I finished a triathlon on March 17, 2018 in Lagrange, GA. What a thrill! We felt overwhelmingly powerful! We asked, “Okay God, what’s next? We did not begin with those exhilarating feelings and lofty thoughts.

It all began last November while I was searching for a 5K race for the girls to run in 2018. There it was, listed with the races, “Triathlon.” Hum... is God nudging me? I was inspired but knew I did not want to do this alone. I asked Bill, my husband, if he would train with me. Bill said “Of course!” The decision was made. It was time to get my head in the game. Bill registered us for the race.
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Join us for our Annual Banquet. You do not want to miss this special night! It's not too late to RSVP or to bring someone with you! Click here to RSVP today!
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"March Gladness"

Thank you to those of you who have given to our March Gladness Campaign and shared our March Gladness Video via Facebook earning us $10 for every share! We continue to make progress towards our goal for our Second Home for Second Chances Campaign

Building Safer Relationships

By: Darren Lane, Director of Residential Therapy

I was raised old-school; don’t cry, never disagree with dad, and don’t laugh at the dinner table. It’s how my step-dad was raised and probably his father before him. If I had an opinion that ran opposite of his, I discovered to keep it to myself. This taught me two things: stuff emotions and thoughts inside, and a model to follow when I became a father. So many times, we become our parents.

My first child was a strong-willed girl. I attempted to raise her as my step-dad did me. Quash all disagreeing viewpoints, force my personal beliefs onto her, and use ambivalence (conveys “I don’t care what you do”) with surgical precision. The result was a severe disconnection in my relationship with her…just like me and my dad. So, naturally, I combined these amazing personal and relational skills with a life-long passion that lines-up perfectly. I became a counselor!

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Ryan Stewart shares his drone's bird's-eye view video of The Joy House campus
Former Georgia Tech and Detroit Lions football player, Ryan Stewart, visited our campus last week. He encouraged our teen residents during school with an inspirational presentation. Stewart stated “the Lord led me to encourage them to trust in Him and to know that He’s doing a good work in each and every one of them. I felt it was important for them to know that they are actually right where they need to be and with a group of people, led by former Georgia Tech graduate Steve Lowe, that love them dearly. Sometimes our toughest times lead to our BIGGEST blessings.” 
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