John, are you interested in working together?

Want to help me TEACH others about life’s magic and our power?

I’m hosting a FREE workshop TODAY at 1 pm ET, to share how Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainers and I are "reaching those who haven’t been reached.” I’ll tell you how the idea got started, who we help, and how YOU can get involved. ❤️

Join us TODAY @ 1 pm ET to learn more about this opportunity.

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I’ll be joined by Regena Garrepy, Norberto Perez, Rebecca Psigoda and Michael Taylor, who will share their own powerful and inspiring stories of shining their light and being of service to others.

SAVE YOUR SPOT and watch live TODAY @ 1 pm ET!

If you’re not able to watch LIVE today, RSVP anyway and I'll send you a link to the recording after it's over. 

See you there!

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