Eat Well. Enjoy Life. Lose Weight.
| THE LAST DIET YOU’LL EVER NEED | | Millions of people worldwide turn to Mayo Clinic to get the care they need. Now, Mayo Clinic experts in nutrition, physical activity and psychology have teamed up to bring the science of weight loss to you in a personalized online program designed to help you achieve a healthy weight and maintain it for life. Start your journey to a healthier life with guidance from one of the most trusted names in health care: Mayo Clinic. | START THE DIET | GET ALL THE TOOLS YOU NEED TO SUCCEED | Using clinically tested techniques, The Mayo Clinic Diet puts you in charge of making simple, pleasurable changes. Plus you’ll learn how you can lose up to 6 to 10 pounds in 2 weeks! | | Daily Meal Planner | | 100s of Delicious Recipes | | Expert Guidance | | Weight & Habit Trackers | | Personalized Workouts | | Food & Fitness Journal | START LOSING WEIGHT NOW | | "The focus of the diet is on improving health; weight loss follows." | - Donald Hensrud, M.D., a Mayo Clinic diet and nutrition specialist | START THE MAYO CLINIC DIET | Copyright © 2019 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. All rights reserved. | You are receiving this message because you subscribed to or visited an Everyday Health newsletter or product. If you no longer wish to have these exclusive offers e-mailed to, please unsubscribe from Special Offers. | Use of Everyday Health sites is subject to our terms of service and privacy policy. |