Sizeism, bringing fun back to the workplace, and the Berlin Airlift.
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Quick and Dirty Tips

What is Sizeism and How to Fight It?
Have you ever been made to feel less than human based on your weight? Dr. Monica Johnson, the Savvy Psychologist, explains what sizeism is, and how you can deal with it in your everyday life.
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The Siege: Could the Berlin Airlift Save the City?
When the Soviets cut off all supply routes to western Berlin in 1948, they didn't anticipate the ingenuity and tactical planning skills of Army Brigadier General Frank Howley. Could the Berlin Airlift really keep the entire city alive during the siege?
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Smart Home Insurance Savings Tips for Homeowners and Renters
Laura interviews Melanie Musson from about how to use smart home technology to protect your property and save money on home and renters insurance.
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Mordew by Alex Pheby
Currently Reading ...​​​
Alex Pheby's Mordew launches an astonishingly inventive epic fantasy trilogy.

God is dead, his corpse hidden in the catacombs beneath Mordew. In the slums of the sea-battered city, a young boy called Nathan Treeves lives with his parents, eking out a meagre existence by picking treasures from the Living Mud. Until one day his desperate mother sells him to the mysterious Master of Mordew.
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What is Vitamin U?
Vitamin U isn't a true vitamin, but this compound found in cabbages may still have health benefits. Nutrition Diva explains what vitamin U is, what it does, and how to get it.
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Let's Bring Fun Back to the Workplace!
Stuck in an "all work no play" kind of moment? Modern Mentor shares her favorite tips for bringing fun back into the workplace!
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5 Steps to Challenge Your Fitness
How can you change or improve your fitness if you don't challenge yourself beyond what's comfortable? Dr. Jonathan Su, the Get-Fit Guy, provides five steps to help you challenge your fitness.
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Stuck in a Situationship? Here's How to Define the Relationship
Stuck in a situationship and aren't sure how to make it into a relationship? In this episode, Dr. Rachel Vanderbilt, the Relationship Doctor, explains why defining your relationship is important for your mental health and how to have that risky conversation.
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How to Tell Your Child about Their Neurodivergence
What's the best way to educate your child about their neurodevelopmental diagnosis? Dr. Nanika Coor gives 7 tips for talking with neurodiverse kids about their diagnosis in a way that focuses on their strengths and abilities.
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