Plus: Why the social unrest of 2020 is nothing like 1968
September 4, 2020
The “Law and Order” Backlash Against Biden Was a Mirage

New polls show that the premature consensus about Trump’s rhetoric was wrong—for now, anyway.

By Osita Nwanevu


America Is Not Reliving 1968 Sure, Donald Trump is harnessing Richard Nixon’s law and order rhetoric, but that doesn’t mean it will work.
By Walter Shapiro
A Bold New Plan to Turn the Rust Belt Blue A well-funded Democratic group is wooing former union members whom liberals have long ignored.
By Steven Greenhouse
How David Graeber Changed the Way We See Money The radical anthropologist, who died this week, was that rare figure: a scholar who was also an activist.
By Matthew Zeitlin


Big Oil’s Evil, Stupid Plan to Drown the World in PlasticFossil fuel companies, facing plummeting oil demand, are pouring their resources into plastics. A new report suggests that’s foolish.
By Kate Aronoff
Your State Flag Might Not Be Racist, but It’s Offensively Ugly Take a cue from Mississippi and retire that abomination atop your capitol building.
By Matt Ford
Our Summer of American Nihilism How did “If I die, I die” become this country’s mantra?
By Nick Martin


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