Dear John,

It seems like everyday I talk to someone who has paralysis of analysis. They feel in their gut they should do something big, meaningful, and purpose-filled. And yet, they hesitate because they don’t know how or afraid it’s the wrong move.

Here is what I have discovered:

God’s Nudges are much less painful if you are already moving!

If there is something on your heart, something bigger than you, then go ahead and start! Start moving toward it. Take action.

Now that you are moving, God’s Nudges will be gentle taps, fine tuning your direction rather than big jolts to get you unstuck.

Choose To Win! Just Start!


P.s. Who has been an impactful leader to you? Get them a gift full of resources that will give them everything they need to plan, prepare and expect to win – and keep them motivated to walk the path they have set. (There’s no better gift than that!) Click here to order now.


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