Trump has released a list of 27 iconic national monuments up for "review" under the Antiquities Act -- the first step toward stripping these natural wonders of protections.
Explore. Enjoy. Protect.

Trump thinks our national monuments need to be "reviewed" -- but what he really wants to do is open them up to oil and gas drilling. Donate monthly to help us fight back and we'll MATCH your gift with $50.

National monuments under attack from Trump

Donate monthly -- your gift MATCHED

Help us mobilize grassroots to stop them from destroying our natural heritage. Become a monthly donor and unlock a $50 MATCH.

We'll also send you our FREE "Make America Green Again" bumper sticker

Make America Green Again bumper sticker

Dear voornaam,

Trump has released a list of 27 iconic national monuments up for "review" under the Antiquities Act -- the first step toward stripping these natural wonders of protections.

The list is shocking:

Berryessa Snow Mountain, CA
Canyons of the Ancients, CO
Carrizo Plain, CA
Cascade Siskiyou, OR
Craters of the Moon, ID
Giant Sequoia, CA
Gold Butte, NV
Grand Canyon-Parashant, AZ
Grand Staircase-Escalante, UT
Hanford Reach, WA
Ironwood Forest, AZ
Mojave Trails, CA
Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks, NM
Rio Grande del Norte, NM
Sand to Snow, CA
San Gabriel Mountains, CA
Sonoran Desert, AZ
Upper Missouri River Breaks, MT
Vermilion Cliffs, AZ
Katahdin Woods and Waters, ME
Marianas Trench, Pacific Ocean
Northeast Canyons and Seamounts, Atlantic Ocean
Basin and Range, NV
Bears Ears, UT
Pacific Remote Islands, Pacific Ocean
Papahanaumokuakea, HI/Pacific Ocean
Rose Atoll, American Samoa/Pacific Ocean

The world's largest tree. A stunning desert landscape home to thousands of Native American petroglyphs. A mammoth ocean of lava flows. A magnificent mountain range drawing thousands of hikers and snowboarders every year.

These are iconic American treasures to be respected and protected. But to Donald Trump? They're just clumps of trees and piles of rocks, up for grabs by the highest bidder to log, drill and mine.

We need your help to stop him. We'll mobilize our grassroots and put pressure on Congress to fight this attempt at undermining the Antiquities Act -- but we can't do it without your help.

Make a monthly donation to help us raise awareness among decision-makers in Washington and mobilize the grassroots. Your emergency monthly gift will help us stop Trump from selling off our monuments to his Big Energy pals. A generous donor will chip in $50 for every signup.

We'll send you our "Make America Green Again" bumper sticker -- FREE.

Trump has gone too far. These beloved monuments won't placate environmental parasites like the Koch brothers. If they destroy these, who knows what they'll go after next.

Trump would be the first president in history to revoke a national monument's status -- emphasis on "would be," because we're not going to let him get away with it.

We're working with everyone from public officials to tribal organizations to environmental groups to faith leaders to oppose the administration's attacks on the Antiquities Act, which would hurt local communities in addition to the natural treasures on Trump's chopping block.

And Americans are with us: a recent poll by Colorado College showed that 80% of western voters support keeping existing national monuments protections in place.

So we've got a critical mass, we've got a mobilization plan, now we just need the money to pull it all together and stop Trump from ransacking the sacred American places we love. Please, help us save these majestic forests, mountains and rivers with your emergency monthly gift now.

Rush your emergency monthly gift of $5 or more to the Sierra Club now and have your gift MATCHED with $50. We can't save our precious national monuments from Trump and the Kochs without your help.

Thank you for all you're doing to save what truly makes America great.


Michael Brune

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club

P.S. -- If you've recently become a monthly donor, THANK YOU, we're still processing donations.

Photo credit: Bob Wick, BLM / CC BY-SA 2.0

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