I was thinking about this last night.

Free Press Action


I was thinking about this last night. This fight against disinformation we’re in? It’s a long game.

We’ve all been so busy focused on the midterm elections and the stakes are obviously huge — but they’re just the beginning. As soon as the ballots are cast, lobbyists, corporations and bad actors will be doing everything they can to move their agenda (and in some cases they’ll be working hard to sabotage the election results). And we can’t be caught off guard.

Here’s the thing: Free Press Action doesn’t have corporations or political parties paying our bills. That’s why we can afford to stake out the positions we do on these issues. We push for policies that will actually achieve real progress, protect our democracy and make a positive difference in people’s lives. And we need to raise $4,177 right now to meet our goals and keep this work moving.

Can we count on you to make your first gift to Free Press Action today so we can fight disinformation with everything we’ve got?

There are 14 days left until the midterms and a mere 3 days until Elon Musk is set to fire 75% of the workforce at Twitter and pave the way for Trump to return to the platform. In just under 3 months, Facebook could allow Trump to return and spread hate and lies there. And the 2024 election? It begins the day after the midterms.

If you’re with us for the long haul, please support our work today.

Thank you so much,

Candace and the rest of the Free Press Action team

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