BU Today

Monday, December 5th

Top Headlines
Em John Keychains by Emma Johnson

Oprah’s Favorite Things Feature CGS Student’s Design, Again

Key chains draw attention for second year in a row

cell culture in petri dishes

POV: Unregulated Stem Cell Clinics Pose Real Threat

Problem growing in United States

Sudha Seshadri, professor of neurology at the Boston University School of Medicine

New Test for Alzheimer’s Risk?

MED profs’ study: Slow gait and weak grip help predict brain disease

Featured Video
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Justin Thomas Blackwell

For Organist Justin Blackwell, Marsh Chapel Is Heaven

Marsh Chapel organist Justin Blackwell (CFA’09) is enamored of both his job and the majestic instrument he plays, day after day, enriching the experience of worshippers attending Sunday services as well as those tuning in to the live radio broadcasts of the services.

Upcoming Events
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Black Lives Matter: From Conflict to Healing

December 5 at 5:00 pm
GSU Auditorium, 2nd Floor, 735 Commonwealth Ave.

Aurora Borealis 15

December 5 at 7:00 pm
GSU Auditorium, 2nd Floor, 735 Commonwealth Ave.

Bach Competition Winners’ Concert

December 5 at 8:00 pm
CFA, Concert Hall, 855 Commonwealth Ave.

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Series Spotlight
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Athletes in Motion

Top BU athletes talk about how they do what they do best

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Jake Devries, Boston University Terriers men's tennis

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