Dear John, For nearly two decades, we’ve informed the choices that determine the future of water in our world. We’ve committed ourselves to long-term, in-depth attention to the issue at the heart of climate change and the foundation for life on earth. You are essential to that crucial work, especially now. Your support sustains us. So we’re excited about a way to make your donation go even further this year, with the help of NewsMatch, a national movement keeping nonprofits like Circle of Blue going strong. NewsMatch energizes independent journalism through matching gifts. Here’s how it works: Starting now, through December 31: If you make a one-time donation up to a limit of $1,000, NewsMatch will double it. If you sign up to become a new monthly donor, NewsMatch will match your first payment 12 times, to reflect a year’s worth of your monthly gift, up to a limit of $1,000. NewsMatch is offering us up to $10,000 in matching funds, so with your help we could raise up to $20,000 in total with this effort. Can we count on your support? |