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May issue now!

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In this issue:


Whither the Religious Left? Left-leaning people of faith will never be reliable allies of the Democratic Party, nor will the party reliably offer them a comfortable home. But their fortunes are linked. By Matthew Sitman
The Mystery of Merrick Garland Biden’s attorney general is neither an ideologue nor a partisan, but a consensus-builder. How will he wield his power in this historic, politically charged moment? By Matt Ford
The Long Fight to Cancel Student Loans How student debtors took a radical idea to the mainstream By Ryann Liebenthal
An Epic Debate on Trump and True Evangelicalism In which journalist Matt Labash (a Never Trumper) and radio host Eric Metaxas (a Trump supporter) agree to disagree By Matt Labash and Eric Metaxas

Signs & Wonders

How Austerity Destroyed the Public Good The decades-long war on government has left struggling Americans to fend for themselves. By Adolph Reed Jr.
Ben Shapiro Goes Trolling in Hollywood The conservative gadfly’s new film studio is a bid to monetize the battle against cancel culture. By Jake Bittle
The Crisis in Home Care The way we look after the elderly in this country is broken. But is funneling money into home care enough to solve the problem? By Monica Potts
The Next Frontier for the Surveillance State Countries are launching digital currencies to rival Bitcoin—and opening up new ways to snoop on their citizens in the process. By Jacob Silverman
The Problem With Trusting “the Science” Politicians like Chris Christie have weaponized science to serve their agendas. By John Patrick Leary
How Trump Wrecked the Conservative Money Machine As corporate donations to the GOP decline, establishment Republicans are struggling to raise money, and extremists are raking in small donations. That just might give Democrats the edge in 2022. By Walter Shapiro
Oligarch of the Month: Rupert Murdoch The media mogul has been encouraging people to get the Covid vaccine—even as his networks push skepticism about its efficacy. By Alex Shephard

Books & The Arts

The Rise of Private Spies What happens when online investigators and detectives-for-hire take on intelligence work? By Charlie Savage
How Americans Lost Their Fervor for Freedom Louis Menand’s new book traces the decline of a defining ideal. By Evan Kindley
Kazuo Ishiguro’s Deceptively Simple Story of AI Why does “Klara and the Sun” serve up its big questions so explicitly? By Rumaan Alam
The Mysteries of Stephen Hawking’s Universe Why did “A Brief History of Time” make its author the most famous scientist in the world? By Samanth Subramanian
How Amazon Exploited a Weakened America The immense power of Jeff Bezos’s empire reveals a country that has been falling apart for quite some time. By Sarah Leonard
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