Good morning, Marketer, how will the virtual world impact your strategy in a real way?

The jury is out on the metaverse, or metaverses, as the infrastructure and hardware get built out and more widely distributed. (I haven’t yet donned a VR headset outside of a retail conference demonstration, honestly.)

Tim Parkin’s assessment of the metaverse as a layer on top of the existing web is useful for all marketers to think about as we play wait-and-see. That’s because those existing digital channels already constitute a virtual world with real consequences. Whether appearing in an email inbox, or on Twitter, or in a mobile game ad, your brand presence speaks directly to the consumer who engages with and judges it. That’s why, in terms of measurement, it’s called an impression.

Chris Wood,

Marketers: The metaverse is coming

The metaverse and Web3 aren't here yet, but it's time to start thinking about the positive opportunities they might create as well as the negative risks.

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How event marketers can use hologram technology for live and hybrid experiences

ARHT Media makes futuristic holograms an attainable option for event marketers.

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Webinar: 6 Key Elements of a Successful ABM Strategy

Given the shifts in buyer behavior over the last 18 months, ABM has quickly become a must for marketers. When it comes to adopting or executing an ABM strategy, would your organization be considered an innovator or a laggard? Join us for this MarTech webinar and find out what end of the ABM adoption spectrum you fall under.

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How to improve customer relationships with personalized messaging

Customer relationships are strengthened through personalized communication.

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How to tell an effective data story: Tips from Nancy Duarte

Visualize your data, and attach it to something reliable. Because a presentation has to mean something to make an impact on an audience.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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CreatorIQ announces partnership with TikTok

This initiative by the influencer marketing platform will enable the creation of end-to-end TikTok marketing campaigns.

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Unbounce acquires LeadsRX marketing analytics

The conversion intelligence platform adds marketing performance analytics and attribution.

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Lucidworks announces new SaaS search platform, Springboard

The search and experience company also announced updates to their flagship product Fusion.

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People. Snap has picked up two top executives from other social platforms. Win Sakdinan becomes Senior Director of Business Marketing coming from a very similar role at Twitter.Before Twitter, he spent 15 years in digital marketing and social media at Procter & Gamble.

Meghana Dhar becomes Global Head of Brand Partnerships. She had previously been Strategic Partnership Lead for Instagram Shopping.

Quote of the day: “We are still a little ways off of it being highly adopted and people doing anything of useful value inside the metaverse.” Tim Parkin, marketing consultant

From Search Engine Land

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