The FCC can *finally* get to work on urgent priorities

Free Press

We FINALLY have a full FCC but time is short: Donate today to win back Net Neutrality and make broadband affordable.


It took 960 days, but the moment we’ve been waiting, pushing (sometimes screaming from the rooftops for) is finally here: We have a full five-member Federal Communications Commission.

The Senate voted this afternoon to confirm Anna Gomez, meaning that for the first time since President Biden took office, the agency can finally get to work on restoring Net Neutrality; ensuring that high-speed internet is available, affordable and reliable for all; increasing media diversity; and stopping digital discrimination.

But here’s the thing: Because of the unprecedented delay, we now have a very short window to accomplish a long slate of priorities. And we know from experience that big broadcasting, phone and cable companies — and their armies of lobbyists — will do everything they can to slow things down.

This means Free Press needs your support now more than ever — could you rush a donation today?

After a two-and-a-half year delay, the FCC can move forward on a range of urgent issues. But it’s up to us to ensure that commissioners put that energy toward:

  • Restoring the agency’s authority to regulate broadband under Title II of the Communications Act and reinstating federal Net Neutrality rules.
  • Preventing digital discrimination and ensuring that everyone in the United States has reliable and affordable broadband.
  • Examining how the agency’s policy decisions and programs have harmed Black people and other communities of color.

Our opposition’s strategy is to run out the clock — we can’t let them win: Donate today.

Thanks for all you do,

Craig and Jessica

P.S. Giant companies and their lobbyists mounted an aggressive smear campaign to take down Biden’s first nominee, which prevented the FCC from doing everything it can to protect millions of people who rely on the agency to hold broadband and media companies accountable. And they’ll do everything they can to prevent the agency from moving on these priorities. Donate today to help us fight back.

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