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July 13, 2020
Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s sentence confirms his place atop a pantheon of ignominy.
By Matt Ford
The GOP’s Murderous Anti-IntellectualismThe twenty-first century’s version of the Know-Nothing Party has taken the wanton disregard for knowledge to dizzyingly destructive heights.

By Bruce Bartlett
The Government Is Walking Blind Into the Coronavirus Housing CrisisThe 2008 financial crash offered some stark lessons about evictions and foreclosures, but lawmakers didn’t learn a thing.

By Alexis Goldstein
The Great Germ War Cover-UpWhen Nicholson Baker searched for the truth about biological weapons, he found a fog of redaction.

By Daniel Immerwahr
The Two Sides of Biden’s Economic PlanOn paper, he seems obsessed with besting Trump as a trade warrior. But his rhetoric suggests he wants to pick a fight with the aristocrats.

By Timothy Noah
What Was the Dive Bar ?

A new movie invokes the lurid charm of the local drinking hole—and challenges our conception of what makes a documentary.

By Josephine Livingstone
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