The motivational trick that makes you exercise harder |
| | | By Angela Haupt Editor, Health and Wellness |
| Every runner I know likes to talk about their "personal records"—and they're always working hard to top their fastest times. Are PRs a smart way to motivate yourself, or unnecessary pressure? Matt Fuchs talked to experts about how and when to set them. | | | | ![]( | FDA Limits Toxic Lead in Some Baby Foods | The limits are voluntary for manufacturers, but they allow the FDA to take action if foods exceed the levels. |
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| ![]( | How Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Is Diagnosed | Plus, why so many cases are hiding in plain sight. |
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| ![]( | Doctors Are Worried That Iodine Deficiency Is Coming Back | People are getting less iodine because of changes in diet and food manufacturing. |
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| If you were forwarded this and want to sign up to receive it daily, click here. Today's newsletter was written by Angela Haupt and edited by Mandy Oaklander. | |