TODAY'S TOP STORIES - June 16, 2017

Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones: Two Peas in a Pod

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

The new Megyn Kelly is the same as the old Megyn Kelly. READ MORE»

What We Know and Don't Know about Russian Hacking in 2016 Elections and What Is in Store for Georgia's House Race Next Week

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Getting inside voting systems is not the same as changing the vote. READ MORE»

The Tired Myth That Progressives Lack Empathy Is Hardly the Problem

By Katha Pollitt, The Nation

Progressives want education, health care, and housing for everyone. And we’re the close-minded ones? READ MORE»

Groveling Before the Mad King: Donald Trump's Cabinet of Sycophants

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Our president's cultlike craving for constant worship and validation has become the new normal. How do we escape? READ MORE»

Saudi Arabia Wants Qatar to Come Under Its Heel: Even Old Saudi Allies Aren't Exactly Going Along with That

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The Saudis' closest allies, Morocco and Pakistan, are on Qatar's side, angering the United States.  READ MORE»

Some Congressmen Want to be Able to Carry Guns in the Nation's Capital

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

After the shooting at a ball field in Virginia, lawmakers are repeating NRA talking points. READ MORE»

The New York Times Shamefully Smears Bernie Sanders in Its Latest Lurch Right

By Paul Blest, AlterNet

A new report inexplicably ties the Alexandria shootings to belligerent "Bernie Bros." READ MORE»

Trump's Favorite Right-Wing Websites Aren't Listening to His Calls for Unity Following GOP Shooting

By Charlie May, Salon

Infowars is hyping the shooting in Alexandria as the "first shots" in the "second U.S. civil war." READ MORE»

Domestic Terrorism in the Age of Trump

By Peter Montgomery, OtherWords

Experts warn that right-wing terror is on the rise—and the White House is making things worse. READ MORE»

The American Dream Is Fading Everywhere, But Almost Nowhere Faster Than Michigan

By Ron French, Bridge

For three generations, the odds of out-earning your parents has dropped. Today, it's no better than a coin flip. READ MORE»

PBS Runs a Three-Hour Series Glorifying the Anti-Public School DeVos Education Agenda

By Diane Ravitch, The Huffington Post

Funded by conservative foundations devoted to privatization, this program is the definition of paid propaganda. READ MORE»

Making Our Own Steel Is Key to American Freedom

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

Imports already take more than a quarter of the U.S. steel market. READ MORE»

Why the South Still Has Such High HIV Rates

By Thurka Sangaramoorthy, Joseph B. Richardson, The Conversation

Compounding the problem, southern states have some of the strictest eligibility requirements and least expansive Medicaid programs. READ MORE»

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