Amazing insights from the SIC

Dear Friend,

This year’s SIC was a huge success... filled with world-class economic and investment experts. On the last day, as we were wrapping up the conference, I heard praise from both attendees and speakers. 

Over the next few days, I want to give you a few glimpses of the—often surprising—information we’ve heard there. (I recommend you get your Virtual Pass so you can see and hear it all for yourself.)

Let’s start with Grant Williams, seasoned asset manager and author of the highly acclaimed newsletter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

Grant delivered one of the most memorable (and hugely entertaining) SIC presentations. In it, he focused on Australia’s developing economic crisis and offered a grim outlook for the next 6–12 months.

What’s going to happen in Australia is likely to mirror the US financial crisis in 2008–09... and those who see it coming will be able to invest accordingly, for outsized gains.

Australia hasn’t seen a recession in 28 years. China’s insatiable demand for both Aussie commodities and real estate has fueled a massive bubble in the housing sector. That bubble is about to pop. 

One million households are now under mortgage stress and unable to keep up with their financial commitments. Many mortgages are interest-only, and all are full recourse, meaning the borrower cannot simply give the keys back to the bank and walk away. 

Residential mortgages make up 70% of all Australian bank loans. There are relatively few banks in the country, and all are considered too big to fail.

As the government attempts to avoid disaster, Australia’s currency will suffer—which is one way to profit.

I can’t repeat all the data Grant presented, but he has convinced me that Australia is headed for a banking crisis.

You can see his presentation—and his recommendations on how to invest—for yourself, with your still-discounted Virtual Pass.

For just a couple more weeks, you can still get it at just $395. After May 30, it will revert back to the list price of $795.

So please don’t wait. We’ve already started uploading the videos and slides to the passholders-only site. The audio recordings and transcripts will follow within the next week.

Click here to read all about the speakers and to order your Virtual Pass now.


Ed D'Agostino

Ed D’Agostino
COO, Mauldin Economics

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