TODAY'S TOP STORIES - January 2, 2018

This Is the Next Battle Frontier in the War Against Body Shaming

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

Say goodbye to airbrushing stretch marks.  READ MORE»

Former White Supremacist Leader -- Here's How to Stop Hate Groups from Spreading

By Eleanor J. Bader, AlterNet

Christian Picciolini on his new book, "White American Youth: My Descent into America’s Most Violent Hate Movement—and How I Got Out." READ MORE»

How Silicon Valley’s Capitalist Greed Continues to Cheat Creators and Rob American Culture

By Rick Gell, AlterNet

It’s time to poke holes in the weak argument for why YouTube and other social media platforms aren’t held accountable for copyright violation or slanderous content. READ MORE»

Concentration Camps for African Migrants Blocked from Entering Europe Are Popping Up Across Libya

By Vijay Prashad, The Hindu

The refugees Europe does not want now linger in Libyan refugee camps. READ MORE»

The CIA's 60-Year History of Fake News: How the Deep State Corrupted Many American Writers

By Robert Scheer, Truthdig

“They drank the Kool-Aid and thought they were saving freedom." READ MORE»

Florida May Restore Voting Rights to 1.7 Million Ex-Felons: So Long, Republicans!

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

An initiative to restore voting rights to ex-felons may be on Florida’s ballot. Will Gov. Rick Scott stop it? READ MORE»

This Is What a Democratic Wave Might Look Like in California

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

Trump's unpopularity could cost 14 Republicans their seats in the House. READ MORE»

From Bloody Drug War to Legal Pot: 10 Global Drug Policy Highlights (and Lowlights) of 2017

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

Drug reform advances unevenly on the world stage, and sometimes, it regresses.  READ MORE»

Trump Supporters Are Far More Likely to Read and Share 'Fake News' Online: Report

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Why are we not surprised? READ MORE»

Feeling Burned Out? When We Gather, We Get Energized

By Sarah van Gelder, YES! Magazine

Removing debris after a hurricane or giving blood after a shooting empowers us. READ MORE»

Top 5 Signs Trump Doesn’t Actually Care About Iranian Protesters

By Juan Cole, Informed Comment

"Sympathizing with working people facing increased prices is not Trump's brand, and it is rich for him to pretend to care about them." READ MORE»

The National Rifle Association’s Despicable First Year as Propagandists for Trump

By Timothy Johnson, Media Matters

Trump and the NRA have shared anti-immigrant, anti-free press, and pro-authoritarian sentiments. READ MORE»

5 Big Myths Sold by the Defenders of Capitalism

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

Our dominant economic system causes too many Americans too much pain. READ MORE»

Why Silicon Valley Loves to Stereotype the Sherpa

By Anni Irish, Salon

From VC firms to Burning Man, tech companies love using the word “sherpa” — even if they have no idea what it means. READ MORE»

Republican Lawmakers Surprised to Learn No Black Soldiers Served Under Confederacy in South Carolina

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

State Reps Bill Chumley and Mike Burns pre-filed a bill that would establish a commission to design an African-American Confederate veterans monument. READ MORE»

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