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The Importance of Unlearning Emerging Technologies

By Yaron Wittenstein 
The world of software is constantly changing at a very fast pace. Yesterday’s axioms might be tomorrow’s anti-patterns.

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Uber Cool vs. Face Lyft

By Richard 
Let us all admit it! We have always been thrilled by rivalries between two fitting competitors. We have seen it happen between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo. We have seen it happen between Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. The world of technology and business cannot be an exception to this pattern. When it comes to mobile devices and operating systems, it is Google versus Apple. When it comes to enterprise computing, Apple has always been at loggerheads with Microsoft.

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Genetic Algorithms Explained : A Python Implementation

By Luiz Rosa 
Genetic Algorithms , also referred to as simply “GA”, are algorithms inspired in Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection theory that aims to find optimal solutions for problems we don’t know much about. For example: How to find a given function maximum or minimum, when you cannot derivate it? It is based on three concepts: selection, reproduction, and mutation. We generate a random set of individuals, select the best ones, cross them over and finally, slightly mutate the result - over and over again until we find an acceptable solution. You can check some comparisons on other search methods on Goldberg's book.

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The Future of Authentication

By Tom Mowatt 
Strong authentication's war is fought not in the trenches of password management along with more complex passwords, passphrases, or even better multifactor authentication. Instead, this war must start with fundamental authentication processes as none of the current options will become a long-lasting silver bullet.

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