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Who the f*ck is Going to Build Enterprise Blockchain Solutions?

By Chase Chapman 
Blockchain topped LinkedIn’s list as the #1 most in-demand hard skill for 2020.

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Here's Why We Built a Web App for Open Reviews with Open Source Infrastructure

By Dina Carabas 
We built a service for online reviews that makes the insights you share accessible across any application, and that does not invade your privacy. Leave proprietary data silos behind and enter the open data ecosystem of Mangrove reviews.

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How To Develop Your Custom Autocorrect Implementation with Manticore [A Step by Step Guide]

By Greg 
In this text I will explain what is spell correction in the area of search functionality, how it works in Google, Amazon and Pinterest and will demonstrate how to make your own implementation from the ground up using custom search engine Manticore Search.

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Movie Review Sentimental Analysis Using Deep Learning

By ashish ghimire 

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You Don't Need a DAO

By Grace Rachmany 
It’s time to make a DAO! Anyone can make their own DAO with Aragon or DAOstack, or just by forking Molloch. Even better, you can use an augmented bonding curve to fund your DAO, thanks to the amazing work by the Commons Stack folks, and there you have it! A fully-functioning DAO with just a few days of work!

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5 Ways China Is Using Blockchain Technology Against Coronavirus

By Tarun RAMA 
We all remember the previous deadly Ebola virus outbreak, which lasted three years from 2013–2016 affected the dominant population of Africa.

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I Built An Online Subscription Tracker App in Coda—Here's The Template

By Zoe Chew 
Simple app to manage your online subscriptions in one place.

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How to Grow a Business and a Digital Product [Founder Interview]

By Dana Kachan 
Find here answers to the key questions often asked by novice entrepreneurs and product developers. The bare truth about entrepreneurship, a bitter taste of failures, the sweetness of triumphs, and first-hand experience - everything is blended here into a cocktail of product design and development insights. 

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Insights From Waymo: Self-Driving Taxis Are The Future of Ride-Hailing

By Jeff Dodson 
In the on-demand market, ride-hailing is one of the key services that account for a higher percentage of total revenue. Uber is the first ride-hailing app that entered the market and following that many taxi services launched their business in the market. Many taxi apps became successful and are still sustaining in the market. There is so much competition in the taxi service industry. Many small scale taxi services are competing with each other to become the key players in the market. 

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What Elon Musk Plans to Do with Our Brain through Neuralink

By James Murphy 
Neuralink makes the craziest sci-fi movie look like a joke.

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3 Questions to Ask When Hiring Your Startup's First Designer

By Jenny Shirey 
My first job as a UX designer was fresh out of grad school at a small startup with six people. It wasn't a great fit. I'd come from the world of print graphic design and had never designed a real-world digital software product. Even though I was enthusiastic, I had no experience to call on to know how to reconcile UX tradeoffs or convince the team why one design decision was better than another.

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Cloud Home Automation Series Part 4 : Connected Light Bulb using AWS, ESP32 & Arduino

By Ask Gourav Das 
Welcome to SIMPLE LEARNING AWS Cloud Home Automation, Zero to Hero Series. In the fourth part, we will create an automated system to make the home light bulb connected to the web using AWS, an ESP32 board, a relay module and Arduino Code. This is the last part of the series and here we will achieve our ultimate goal to Power ON the Light bulb with just one-click from anywhere, literally from anywhere even from the Antarctic as they got internet there. IoT empowers everyone to make life smarter & easier. Though this is just a beginning, if readers show up enthusiasm, I will make more tutorials where the primary focus is to teach from scratch and make cost-effective solutions [Do let me know on LinkedIn].

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