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the best tech stories published on in the last 24 hours

Could COVID-19 Help Bring About The Media Revolution We Need?

By Anthony 
On friday 20th of March, I and many thousands of UK business owners, self-employed workers and unemployed workers eagerly tuned into the 5pm news, hoping to catch a vital update on whether the government would be offering us the essential aid that we need to survive the coming 3 months. What followed was an ‘unprecedented’ broadcast (I’m going to take a shot every time Rishi Sunak says this word from now on) promising support.

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AI in Digital Marketing is Already Here [An Analysis]

By Alexandra Cote 
Artificial intelligence will inevitably be all around us one day. At work, at home, on the street, maybe even in our dreams.

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Shakespeare Meets Google's Flax

By Fabian Deuser 
Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, or What You Will

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Is Upwork Posting Fake Jobs To Keep Freelancers Bidding? [A Deep Dive]

By nebojsa.todorovic 
You read about Upwork's "fake review farms" here on Hacker Noon. How do you feel about "fake job farms?" Are you shocked, disappointed, or furious? I guess, it depends on whether you are an Upwork's freelancer or investor.

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