Why Cryptocurrency Doesn’t Need to Compete With Government Money

By Mark 
As the global financial crisis accelerates, cryptocurrency has returned to mainstream public discourse. You know bitcoin has reached some level of legitimacy when Bloomberg Radio quotes its price.

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Learnings from the Big Market Tech Failures of Zune, Fire Phone, Windows Phone and Snap Spectacles

By Balach 
Last year, I did a talk, as part of orienting a team of automotive executives in modern way of iterative working, challenging the prevailing belief that perfect pre-planning backed by big money will always be a clear winner. I used a bunch of highly hyped tech failures to drive the point home. The talk inspired great discussions, and led to sea change in how we ended up working together afterwards. I hope you will find it equally stimulating.

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We Should Make Software Stack Free

By Rohit Krishnan 
In the original days of the new software stack evolution, there was a fringe section which consisted of developers getting together in old fashioned chat rooms, offline and online, and coding for the love of it. When Linus Torvalds started the project to create a new operating system it was a way of community activation. Back in university, open source wasn't known as such, Linux wasn't the paragon of open source, instead it was a good enough version that allowed one to not pay for Microsoft Windows.

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Main Reasons To Build Intelligent Space Stations With An Artificial Gravity

By Himanshu Ragtah 
It’s been the dream of many space enthusiasts from the 1960s to live in an intelligent artificial gravity space station ever since it was popularized by NASA chief scientist Von Braun and the legendary film: ‘Space Odyssey: 2001’. Unfortunately, generating artificial gravity for astronauts was not a priority for NASA as astronauts were able to reduce some of the impact of weightlessness on their bodies thanks to a ruthless exercise regimen. Further, a ship that contains a centrifuge for generating artificial gravity would be extremely expensive to launch to orbit. So, NASA ended up sticking with a compact and modular station that is more affordable with their budget and that doesn’t deal with weightlessness risk and accepted the risks it posed to astronauts in the international space station. Below is a comprehensive list of health risks astronauts face in the zero-g space station. Weightlessness risks are highlighted in the red box.

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The CEO of my company, Genius, must be Black

By Mahbod Moghadam 
When Tom and I started Genius in 2009, we wanted to build something that would grow bigger than rap lyrics. The first 4 songs I annotated on RapExegesis, as it was originally called, were rap songs. However, the 5th one was Elton John's "Rocket Man", the 6th was The Eagles' "Hotel California", and the 7th was a poem, the first non-lyrics post on the site - Emily Dickinson's "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?"

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The CEO of My Company, Genius, Must Be Black

By Mahbod Moghadam 
When Tom and I started Genius in 2009, we wanted to build something that would grow bigger than rap lyrics. The first 4 songs I annotated on RapExegesis, as it was originally called, were rap songs. However, the 5th one was Elton John's "Rocket Man", the 6th was The Eagles' "Hotel California", and the 7th was a poem, the first non-lyrics post on the site - Emily Dickinson's "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?"

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How Domain Name System Work

By Craig Godden-Payne 
The Domain Name System.

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