Shadow Mode: The Dark Side of Outsourcing That Nobody Tells You About

By Inna 
Note: Although there are many articles about the pros and cons of outsourcing, I found nothing useful to inform the product owners about fraud prevention. It's about time to fix this. Imagine the situation: you find a suitable developer, work with them for a few weeks, then you end up seeing their code quality become poor. What is that? Lack of motivation? Dark times personally which reflect in their work? The stars aligned wrong? Or is it shadow mode?

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The Laconic Keys: Short Lessons in the Art and Science of Product Management

By Tyler Mahoney 
In the 4th Century B.C.E. Phillip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great, began a campaign to invade the Greek city-states of classical fame.

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Why Hiding Trump's Racism on Facebook is a Bad Idea

By Controversial Sense 
Large numbers of Facebook employees, left-leaning people, and moderates are all calling for the removal of President Trump’s racist and violence-inciting posts on Facebook and other platforms.

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5 Startup/VC Trends Coming Out of the Pandemic

By Rizwan Virk 
Venture capital is a long game. Startups take many years to mature before venture capitalists can get a return on their investment. While you may think that VC investment is down during the economic downturn, this is only true in the short term, primarily because VCs are concerned with how their existing portfolio companies will make it through the crisis.

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On Yang's Data Dividend Project and the Push to Treat Data as Property

By Kunal Mishra 

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[Tutorial] Top 5 Ways to Query Your Relational Database in JavaScript [Part 2]

By Michael 
Welcome back! In the first part of this series, we looked at a very "low-level" way to interact with a relational database by sending it raw SQL strings and retrieving the results. We created a very simple Express application that we can use as an example and deployed it on Heroku with a Postgres database.

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The BitBucket vs GitHub Breakdown You Should Read

By Momchil 
I’ve created this “BitBucket vs GitHub” content piece to help you make a better decision when picking between the two.

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Adrien Book : The Beautiful Humans Of Hacker Noon (Noonies Winner for Best AI Writer, 2019)

By Rachel Lee 
The Backstory about the Internet’s most community-focused awards:

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Quantum Contingencies in Cryptography: A Short Primer

By Adam Corbo 
Are we at the cradle of a quantum age?

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Challenges in Adoption of Rollup Solutions in Decentralization: An Analysis

By Henry He 
Rollups, especially the optimistic rollup, are being considered by the community as the most promising short to medium term Ethereum scaling solution at the moment. The reason is that fundamentally, rollup solutions use data on-chain techniques instead of data off-chain techniques used by other scaling solutions such as Plasma. This choice removes the need for semi-trusted operators and enables generalized scalable side chains.

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Using the Michelson Programming Language to Write Smart Contracts on Tezos [A How-To Guide] - Part 3

By Claude Barde 
Learn how to use the Michelson programming language and write smart contracts on Tezos

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How Do Miners Mine A Block: A Proof of Work Deep Dive

By Bitcoin in Action 

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What is Ambient Intelligence?

By Shaan Ray 
Mark Weiser, CTO of Xerox Corp's Palo Alto Research Center, said in 1991: “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” Weiser proved prescient: satellite-based cell phones and the internet are examples of profound, invisible technologies.

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How to Configure a Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera

By jeremymorgan 
I picked up the new Raspberry Pi High Quality camera last week. It’s pretty impressive. In this article, I’ll show you some ways to interact with this camera and do some cool stuff with it.

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Zero People Charged With Online Pirating, Swedish Prosecutor's Office Reports

By Andy  
For the first time in almost a decade, not a single person was charged with a file-sharing or streaming related crime in Sweden during 2019. The news comes from the Prosecutor's Office, which reveals that just 23 offenses were reported during the year, the lowest number since 2010.

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Stripe Is Holding 25% of Our Funds, Indefinitely

By Patrick Murray 
In early March, 2020, my business partner would send texts daily about how travel was getting crushed. Every day I would check our numbers and still see growth of 100% YOY with minor drops and dips and then growth again.  We were trending with our projected growth. Then, March 15 (the ides of March) hit and our sales plummeted, down -55%. By March 21 sales were down -87.5%.  We were getting crushed. I can share these specific numbers because Stripe has a great UI and it is super simple to grab this data. Stripe makes looking at numbers simple, and it makes setting up a PCI compliant payment processor super easy for dev teams.  Stripe makes themselves sticky. So sticky that they can try to pull what comes next. 

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What the Pandemic Taught Me About Product/Market Fit

By Richard Purcell 
The question is not, “Does the company have product/market fit or not?”. The more appropriate question is, “What’s the strength of the company’s product/market fit?”

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An Interview With Ivan Starinin And Alexander Salnikov On DeFi Tech

By Adam Stieb 
Ivan Starinin and Alexander Salnikov are two alumni of Moscow’s elite Higher School of Economics that went on to forge a prolific entrepreneurial partnership in the blockchain space.

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Migrating Away From Query Builders and ORMs in JavaScript or TypeScript

By Ani Ravi 
I spent the better part of a day moving a project completely off of the ORM we were using (TypeORM). Ever since I started doing web development, I’ve been using some kind of heavy abstraction on top of my database. Whether it’s Mongoose when I used MongoDB, or TypeORM when I decided to move to TypeScript and PostgreSQL. However, it turns out that ORMs and query builders aren’t so great. I used to be that person that thought ORMs and query builders did the job for me, and I used it as an excuse to not learn SQL (which is what everyone tells you NOT to do). Given the tools that exist today, I would wholeheartedly recommend doing it the opposite of how I did if you’re starting off new to these things — write your SQL stuff by hand, or with help from the tools I mention later in the post. It’ll feel really slow at first, but you’ll thank yourself later 😄

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Public Call for 2020 Noonies Nominations!
Hacker Noon has opened public nominations for the second annual Noonies: the tech industry’s biggest independent awards, in partnership with Amplify Exchange. Anybody can nominate anyone for an award at!

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