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Face Recognition On The Wall; Google's AutoML Edge Democratizes ML For All
By silbouwman
Machine learning can be complex and overwhelming. Luckily Google is on its way to democratize machine learning by providing Google AutoML, a Google Cloud tool to handle all the complexity of machine learning for common use cases.

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Why Private Search Engines Are The Future...
By Christian Stewart
Private search engines aren't just for people wearing tinfoil hats anymore. 

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The Art of Quantum Data (version 1.1)
By Kahlil Crawford
The idea becomes the machine that makes the art. - Sol Lewitt

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Studying First World Problems for Solutions to Cock-Ups From the Future
By Natasha Nel
“The issues that currently wreck people’s lives in Switzerland and Norway, Australia and the Netherlands are the problems that will be rife around the globe in 2319.” - Alain de Botton

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Did Your Shitcoin Break the Law? [Part 2]
By Nika Dahlbacka
In the movie Alladin, Jafar wishes to be a genie because of their incredible might and power.

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Marketing 401 for Engineers: Stages of Going to Market
By Aneel
Every product or company goes through a similar set of steps on the path to success. 

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This is Your Brain on Factorio
By Austin Pocus
So I’m on zero sleep. I decided last night at 3am that it wasn’t worth waiting in bed, hoping to fall asleep anymore, having to wake up at 8am anyway.

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