Two of OCW’s lead donors have issued a challenge
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MIT OpenCourseWare

Dear John,

Two of OCW’s lead donors, who strongly believe in OCW’s mission, have issued a challenge: They want OCW learners who can afford to donate—at any level—to join them as active OCW supporters.
The challenge
Here’s the deal: The lead donors will make an extra contribution—up to $20,000—if we reach certain participation goals during this campaign.  It doesn’t matter how much you give, just that you participate.  Here are the goals:
If 500 people give, then OCW receives an extra $10,000.
If 750 people give, then OCW receives an extra $15,000.
If 1,000 people give, then OCW receives the full $20,000!
You can help us reach the 1,000-level participation goal, and make your contribution work even harder for OCW!
Your support is essential to the success of this challenge.
OCW quite literally supports millions of learners and teachers every year in their quests to improve themselves, help their students, and lift up their communities.  And now, we need your support.

Every person who contributes counts toward our participation goal.  Any donation, large or small, makes a difference ! If you can afford to contribute to OCW, then please donate today.
Cecilia d'Oliveira
Associate Dean of Digital Learning
MIT OpenCourseWare
P.S. This year, an anonymous supporter is underwriting special Thank-You gifts. If you are able to give $50, $100, or more, you can choose to receive a special Thank-You gift, which is fully funded by our sponsor. This means 100% of your donation will go to OCW to help us continue to publish open and free MIT materials.
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