Fat Tail Daily

Dear Reader,

The similarities are eerie.

Skyrocketing energy prices, stubbornly high inflation, a booming housing market...

It’s like we’ve stepped back in time to the 1970s.

If you lived through that turbulent decade you’ll know what came next. Savings accounts were eaten alive by inflation, the stock market plunged by 43% in just two years, house prices collapsed and countless dreams of a comfortable retirement were shattered.

The bad news is, we may be headed back to all that.

But the good news is, this time you don’t have to be caught flat-footed.

We’ve studied the lessons of the ‘decade of decimation’ and  developed a strategy to help shield your investments from the worst of it, should this back-slide continue.

Not only that, we’ve identified several opportunities that could help you grow your wealth in the face of 1970s-style adversity.

You see, some investors went ‘against the grain’ 50 years ago and did exceptionally well from the few assets that bucked the trend.

In fact, a handful of stocks in one particular sector gained more than 3,000% over the decade!

It was a brilliant result. And while there’s no way to guarantee a similar outcome, that investment looks to be gearing up for another run today.

Like I say, the similarities are eerie.

See for yourself here


James Woodburn Signature

James Woodburn,
Publisher, Fat Tail Dail

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