A Congressional Budget Office analysis found that poor families could be affected negatively by the Senate tax bill because they would receive less government assistance for health care. The Senate legislation would repeal the Affordable Care Act mandate that nearly all Americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty, which the CBO said could lead low-income earners to drop health insurance, making them ineligible to receive certain tax credits and government subsidies.
Reaching out to existing leaders within your organization, as well as investors and advisers, can help you find high-quality candidates to fill an open position. Doing deep research into the kind of candidate you are looking for and contracting with an outside firm or consultant may also help.
An Ipsos/USA Today survey of Americans age 45 to 65 shows many do not believe they will be able to achieve their retirement dreams. Lasting repercussions of the 2008 market crash, stagnating wages and uncertainty surrounding the Affordable Care Act were cited as factors.
HR leaders are better off not buttering up executives, which is a behavior that can be sussed out, says Tim Cole, founder and CEO of The Compass Alliance. "Your better tack is to work on building your own track record of accomplishment, developing a reputation for quality input, and constantly challenging yourself and others to offer independent thought," Cole said.