BU Today

Tuesday, July 19th

Top Headlines
A group of men and women playing Pokemon Go

YouSpeak: What’s Behind the Pokémon Go Craze

Students talk about app’s appeal, share strategies

Leo McGann Boston University Masters of Fine Arts playwrite

Kennedy Center Award Goes to GRS Student’s Belfast Drama

Second MFA playwright also gets nod

Outside of Cantab Lounge

Bluegrass Pickin’ Party Tonight at the Cantab Lounge

An open mic night like no other

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Nick Bonino skates with the puck during the Comm Ave Charity Classic at the Walter Brown Arena

Nick Bonino (CAS’11) takes the puck for the Boston University team in the Comm Ave Charity Classic at the Walter Brown Arena. BU and BC alums face off to raise money and awareness to battle ALS and help the Travis Roy Foundation. Bonino was a member of BU’s 2009 NCAA national championship team. Photo By Joe Difazio (CAS’12, COM’17)

Featured Video
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new york city ballet

“Light Is to Dance as Water Is to Fish”

From stage plays to rock concerts to glitzy Las Vegas revues, lighting is a crucial element. CFA’s MFA design and production programs head Mark Stanley, New York City Ballet lighting designer, has designed lighting for hundreds of productions and gauges success as “when you’ve created a very unique world.”

Upcoming Events
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Boston Young Contemporaries

All day on July 20
Stone Gallery, College of Fine Arts, 855 Commonwealth Ave.

Lecture: Impacts of Urban Sprawl Upon Public Health

July 20 at 6:00 pm
Hariri Building, RM 312 | 595 Commonwealth Avenue Boston, MA 02215

REACH: Urban and Suburban Teen Dance Program Free Outdoor Performance

July 20 at 7:00 pm
Central Square Parking Lot #6 Bishop Allen Drive and Columbia Street Cambridge, MA 02139

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Series Spotlight
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Jump-start Your Job Search

BU Today asks successful alums how they made it, what they look for when hiring, and their advice for fellow Terriers.

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busy office

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