Plus: The risk of watching the world burn on TV, and more…
August 28, 2020
The Police Are Pretty Sure They’re Going to Get Away With It

In Portsmouth, Virginia, cops have been systematically using their state power to tyrannize political enemies.

By Alex Pareene


The Risk of Watching the World Burn on TV Screens are windows but barriers too. Break away to the reality outside.By Lydia Millet
Donald Trump Is Rooting for Chaos A rambling convention speech underlined the core of his campaign: He needs violence and destruction to win reelection.By Alex Shephard
How Tesla Punctures the Myth of the Tech Genius Michael Almereyda’s movie dismantles romantic notions about creativity, invention, and making money.By John Semley


The Exclusionary White Men of the American Legion The veterans’ organization has long been plagued by racism and sexism. Staff and members say history is repeating in the Trump age.By Jasper Craven
The Violent Delights of the Trumpian Right In the end, it was always going to be about blood and soil and gun-toting vigilantes.
By Matt Ford
The Federal Government Killed a Navajo Man Just to Prove It Could The execution of Lezmond Mitchell, a Diné citizen, was a long, grisly test case about tribal sovereignty.
By Nick Martin


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