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June 3, 2020
Over the past week, cops have shown that they share a coherent ideology.
By Alex Pareene
TNR Podcasts: Vaccines Don’t Make MoneyEpisode 9 of The Politics of Everything” Podcast
Hosted By Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Protest Medics on Being Targeted by the Police, in Their
Own Words
“The cops at the protest that day wouldn’t make eye contact. They were laughing at one point. I think they think this is funny.”
By Melissa Gira Grant and Katie McDonough
A Quiet Workplace Revolution in the Shadow of Silicon
How a luxury doggy daycare became an unlikely model of the future of work
By Vanessa A. Bee
Are You Really Surprised by Our Authoritarian President?For many of his mainstream critics, Trump is forever on the verge of finally going too far.
By Osita Nwanevu
Climate Change Is Going to Hit Palestine Particularly Hard Global warming will exacerbate the Israel-Palestine conflict. But the conflict will also exacerbate the effects of global warming.
By Eric Margolis
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