A lot of experts are calling for a crash in 2023. The bond market is now pricing in the near certainty of a recession. The "Powell Recession," they're calling it. Here's where most folks freeze.

"The Powell Recession"

A lot of experts are calling for a crash in 2023.

The bond market is now pricing in the near certainty of a recession.

The "Powell Recession," they're calling it.

Here's where most folks freeze.

I'm urging you to see my good friend Joel Litman's solution to this problem before it goes offline.

Joel and I agree on one major market philosophy...

That if you simply put your money into the best sector of the market, whatever's happening to the OVERALL market fades into background noise.

And suddenly, there's always a way for YOU to make money!

For example...

In 2015, the overall market lost almost 1%... but the Consumer Discretionary sector (that's things like cars... and clothes.... and luxury goods) went up 10%:

Same thing in 2018... the overall market went down 6%, but if you focused on the winning sector – Health Care – you could have made 6%:

And that story is playing out all over again this year...

The overall market has suffered a brutal 20% sell off... but the energy sector is up more than 30%:

If you looked at almost any investment portfolio, I'd bet you'd see that the biggest winners happened during years when its underlying sector was on a tear.

Hardly any non-professional investors talk about this phenomenon.

It's like one of those optical illusions... often, you can't see the bigger picture until someone connects the dots for you.

Well, Joel just did all the hard work for you and released his big prediction for 2023's Top Sector – it's must-see today.

Remember: Just because the economy is having a hard time, doesn't mean you have to, too.

This strategy could have worked during every Flash Crash... every Debt Ceiling crisis... every round of Quantitative Easing... every election... every Yield Curve Inversion... during $0 Oil and $100 Oil... during Brexit... during trade wars and now real wars... and even during the rise of social media and cryptocurrencies.

See exactly how it works, right here.

Good investing,

Brett Eversole

P.S. The tricky thing is... the market has eleven (11) different sectors. 

And nearly EVERY single year, there's a different winning sector. What's a winner one year could also very well be the absolute loser the following year.

This is why hedge funds pour hundreds of millions of dollars into research that predicts the winning sectors for them.

10 of the top 10 money managers and 150 of the top 300 money managers all turn to Joel for his sector predictions.

That's because he's built a system that looks at market data in a totally unique way. It's helped him make these sector predictions with stunning accuracy for the last 10 years.

See the proof and what his system is predicting for 2023, right here.