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July 29, 2020
The divide between who can afford to weather the downturn and who can’t is sharpening. And it’s shaping the recovery response.
By J.C. Pan
Monopoly is Tyranny

Massive companies like Amazon, Google, Pfizer, and Uber don’t merely dominate an industry: They dominate our lives.

Hosted by Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Bill Barr Battles Democrats to a Draw

In lieu of oversight, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee pepper Trump’s bag man with canned questions and grandstanding.

By Matt Ford
Between Thomas Chatterton Williams and Me

On race, fatherhood, and the many uses of memoir

By Ryu Spaeth
Stop Fretting About Biden’s VP Choice

It won’t be what makes or breaks his chances against Trump.

By Walter Shapiro
Congress Has the “Dumbest Idea Ever” for the Unemployed

With jobless Americans nearing the edge of the cliff, lawmakers are preparing to give them all a little push.

By Timothy Noah
The Emperor’s New Tone

Despite five years of Donald Trump doing the same thing over and over again, political journalists keep falling for the same tricks.

By Alex Shephard
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