This fight isn’t just about one agency

Free Press Action

Help us sound the alarm about Project 2025’s dark vision for the FCC
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Friend, by now, you’ve probably heard of Project 2025 — the not-so-secret plan the Heritage Foundation cooked up for the next Republican administration.

It’s a 900-page authoritarian playbook for overturning civil-rights laws, gutting environmental and labor protections, criminalizing abortion, and purging the federal government of any career workers who aren’t partisan loyalists.

But you might not know that one of Project 2025’s authors currently holds a federal appointment: Brendan Carr, the senior Republican on the Federal Communications Commission.

Carr has sided with big companies and against the public interest on nearly every important issue — like Net Neutrality — to come before the FCC. And he’s gone full-on Fox News fire-breather in pursuit of becoming the FCC chairman in a possible Trump administration.

At Free Press Action, we’re not waiting idly by while Carr and his allies push this unpopular agenda. We’re fighting tooth and nail to expose Project 2025 for what it is: a full-frontal assault on our democracy.

Will you rush a donation to our Democracy Watch Fund to help us keep up the fight against rising authoritarianism — and for the progress we’ve made at the FCC?

There are serious ethical concerns about a sitting commissioner participating in Project 2025, with no clear lines as to where Carr’s government role ends and his role as a private citizen working in his “personal capacity” begins.

That’s why in July, a group of 16 House Democrats asked whether Carr might be misusing his official position to craft and advance a political playbook … even as some House Republicans cheer on Commissioner Carr’s inappropriate overtures toward Elon Musk.

It’s clear that under a future Chairman Carr, the FCC would do the bidding of big business unencumbered by notions of serving the public interest. But this fight isn’t just about one agency — it’s about the future of media, the internet and our democracy.

Will you join us by donating to the Democracy Watch Fund today? Together, we can sound the alarm about Carr’s dangerous vision for the FCC and keep up the fight against rising authoritarianism, disinformation and so much more.

Thank you in advance for your gift at this critical moment.

Craig Aaron
Free Press and Free Press Action

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