Good morning, Marketer, and please accentuate the positive.
Granted we can’t entirely eliminate the negative yet. Recovery — economic, but health and wellness too — is discernible, but it’s not evenly distributed, and it’s not hard to see bumps in the road ahead.
In particular, I don’t think we’ve fully digested the permanent changes in the way we work (at least those of us, including marketers and journalists of course, who work at desks). Note the trend among small agencies, noted in the transformation story below, to turn their backs on brick and mortar offices for good. It’s not hard to predict a similar trend across a wide range of businesses — certainly the small to medium-sized ones — and the foreseeable damage to the commercial real estate market will have knock-on effects, not least to the countless business and services built to support high density working populations in city centers.
We’ve also yet to come to terms with the idea of working remotely indefinitely. For a year? Look, we did it. But for two years? Five years? Well, that’s down the road. As I said at the start, let’s celebrate the positive for now.
Kim Davis
Editorial Director